March 27, 2024
Learn About Florida Electric Vehicle Laws For EV Charging And More

6 Min. Read
As the state with the second-most EV registrations, Florida is quickly becoming an electrification leader. Buyer incentives at the state level remain somewhat limited, but Florida’s statewide plan to develop an EV charging infrastructure supports EV adoption.
EV ownership is also appealing for Florida residents thanks to lower-than-average energy prices, incentives from utility providers, and construction requirements that support local businesses.
This article discusses the state of EV adoption in Florida, explores what access to EV charging in the state looks like, covers Florida electric vehicle laws, and more.
How Does Florida View Zero-Emission Vehicles?
With more than 254,000 EV registrations, Florida is the state with the second-highest number of electric vehicles on the roads (behind California).
While Florida has yet to make an official plan to fully phase out ICE vehicle sales, the environment is highly favorable to the adoption of battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV).
Most Florida utilities offer some type of incentive for EV purchases or installing at-home EV charging stations. Florida consumers are also drawn to EVs due to higher-than-average gas prices in the state that tend to fluctuate, while electricity prices are slightly under the national average.
Plus, with a majority of Floridians living in urban areas, EVs are often a good match for their short daily trips. And with a growing number of cities adopting local ordinances requiring EV charging in commercial facilities, access to public EV charging in Florida is increasing.
It’s also worth noting that Florida is the top state for electric school bus adoption. As a logistics hub, Florida has the potential to become a leader in the electrification of freight trucks and other heavy-duty vehicles.
Electric Vehicle Charging Basics in Florida
With more than 2,700 public charging stations, Florida has the third-largest public EV charging infrastructure of any state behind California and New York. Businesses also have strong incentives to offer EV charging to employees and customers thanks to lower-than-average commercial electricity rates and a growing number of city ordinances setting EV charging requirements in parking facilities.
At-home EV charging is a popular option for electric car drivers in Florida. On average, utility providers offer residential rates of around $0.15 per kWh, which is slightly lower than the national average and can help EV drivers save money with at-home EV charging.
Floridians can also benefit from a number of EV charging rebates and incentives available through utility providers, including rebates on charging equipment or EV purchases, as well as monthly credits for charging during off-peak hours as established by their utility provider.
Related Reading: Florida EV Rebates & Charging Incentives
Thanks to its growing population, Florida is also the second state with the most new home constructions. The robust inventory of new homes makes residents more likely to have access to a modern electrical infrastructure that facilitates the installation of EV charging stations without the need for electrical upgrades.
Florida Electric Vehicle Laws Shaping EV Adoption
The Florida Department of Transportation has an EV infrastructure development plan that leverages the $198 million in NEVI funding awarded to Florida by 2026. It’s worth noting that Florida is the third state with the highest NEVI award, behind California and Texas.
The FDOT is accepting applications from commercial and public entities to deploy EV charging stations. The current plan emphasizes alternative fuel corridors and disadvantaged urban communities. It also accounts for the growing population and changing travel patterns. The plan aims to add 29,000 charging stations to support 700,000 EVs by 2030.
Additional Florida electric vehicle laws are also shaping EV adoption. These laws include Florida Statute 163.08, which allows local governments to use tax revenues to fund EV charging projects.
Florida also has a Right to Charge law under Statute 718.113, which allows residents of multifamily properties to install EV chargers. With over two million Floridians living in condominiums, this law is crucial for supporting EV adoption.
Florida Statute 627.06535 is another important piece of legislation that prohibits insurance providers from charging additional fees for insuring EVs.
Learn More About Florida Electric Vehicle Laws
The Alternative Fuels Data Center has a comprehensive list of Florida’s laws and incentives related to electric vehicles and the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) is another great resource for more information on energy transition technology incentives in the state.
Since most rules and incentives exist at the local level, your local government and utility providers are additional sources of information to check.
Florida City Ordinances and EVs
Florida electric vehicle laws are somewhat limited at the state level, giving municipalities more power over regulating EV adoption.
Several cities have adopted ordinances that set EV charging requirements for new construction projects.
For instance, the city of Miami requires that 20% of parking spaces should be EV-ready and the cities of Orlando and Hollywood have similar rules.
The trend in urban EV adoption is likely to see an increase in these ordinances, and many cities across Florida are also supporting the shift toward electrified public transportation with support for initiatives such as EV buses and free electric on-demand ride services such as Freebee.
Important Upcoming EV Laws in Florida
Florida lawmakers recently ordered a study to better understand the impact of EV adoption. This study could potentially lead to projects that aim to make up for lower fuel tax revenues as EV adoption continues to grow.
Lawmakers have also proposed new EV registration rules. If this law passes, Floridians would have to pay $200 to register an EV and $50 for a PHEV, with a planned increase in 2029.
Another proposal could drastically change how Florida regulates electrification. If it passes, House Bill 1071 would shift EV regulation to the state level instead of local ordinances.
Do You Need a Permit for EV Charging in Florida?
Upgrading your home with an EV charger is a project that entails electrical work. You’ll need to obtain an electrical work permit as well as a construction permit if you’re modifying your property to support your EV charger installation such as upgrading your electrical panel.
Your local building department issues these permits. The application process and requirements vary from one city or township to another.
Your best option is to contact a qualified EV installer who can review your local code requirements and apply for the proper permits on your behalf.
Keep in mind that not all electricians are qualified for EV charger installations, and working with a certified EV charger installer is crucial to ensuring the success and safety of your EV charger installation in the long term.
For more information to determine if your EV charger installation will need a permit, read Do I Need a Permit to Install an EV Charger At Home?
What Do I Need to Know About Charging My EV in Florida?
Even though city ordinances are supporting public charging, low energy rates combined with incentives from utilities provide many additional advantages for charging at home.
If you’re considering buying an EV, planning your purchase soon could be a smart move. Registration fees could increase in the near future, and new state-level regulations could go into effect over the next few years.
You should also know that Florida has an excellent solar coefficient. Energy prices could continue to decrease as more utilities invest in grid-scale renewable energy projects, and investing in a residential solar array could be a great way to offset the cost of EV charging.
Florida electric vehicle laws are still developing, but EV adoption remains strong thanks to affordable energy prices and incentives from utilities within the state.
If you live in Florida, planning your EV purchase and upgrading your home with EV charging is a smart move and Qmerit can help.
About Qmerit
Qmerit is the most trusted EV charger installation partner recommended by automakers, EV charger manufacturers, businesses, utilities, and homeowners alike.
With over 450,000 EV charging installation projects, we’re the largest and most experienced network of EV charging station installers in the country and are ranked #1 in customer satisfaction across North America!
Join us in our mission to transform our planet to a more sustainable, energy-resilient, electric-powered future. Contact us today to learn more about EV adoption and at-home charging in Florida or complete our online EV assessment to receive a custom quote for more information.