Meet Our Visionary Team

Bianca Sloma

VP, Utility Solutions
Bianca Sloma is a skilled strategist and business development leader with over 20 years of experience spanning several sectors including energy and information technology.
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At Qmerit, Bianca oversees the strategic direction for utility solutions, including leading sales teams in the development and execution of go-to-market plans.

Prior to joining Qmerit in 2022, Bianca was Manager of Cloud Business Operations at Citrix, where she led a globally distributed team of Cloud Business Operations Managers. Before that, she spent much of her career in business development and operations leadership roles, first at Lockheed Martin and then at TRC Companies after it acquired Lockheed Martin’s energy group in 2019.

Bianca holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance and an MBA from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.