June 4, 2024
These Electrician Education Requirements Can Boost Your Career as an EV Charger Installer

5 Min. Read
Electrification is transforming the transportation sector as more consumers and businesses adopt EVs. The need for a reliable charging infrastructure continues to create opportunities for electrical contractors, but a shortage of qualified installers could get in the way of EV adoption.
While the demand for electricians continues to grow, it’s crucial for electricians to keep up with the latest technology and installation requirements to support these energy transition technologies and build their careers as certified EV charger installers.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the electrician education requirements needed to prevent this shortage by building your electrical contracting business with qualified electricians and grow your profit with EV charging projects.
Exploring Electrification Opportunities for Contractors
Electrification is the transition from fossil fuels to electricity as an energy source. For the mobility sector, experts predict it will result in 33 million EVs on the roads by 2030.
This phenomenon is creating opportunities on an unprecedented scale for electrical contractors. The United States could need as many as 2 million Level 2 public charging stations as well as 170,000 DC Fast charging stations (DCFC) by 2030.
Experts also estimate that meeting the demand for at-home EV charging will require installing new electrical panels in 48 million homes to support the 26.8 million Level 2 EV charging stations and other electrification technologies homeowners will have by the end of the decade.
With more than $25 billion in federal investments, the nationwide EV charging infrastructure is growing steadily, giving contractors access to a mix of public and private opportunities.
Due to the scope of electrification, focusing on electrician education requirements is a reliable strategy for growing your business and ensuring you can meet the rising demand for installing and maintaining these technologies in your community. Besides unlocking high-value jobs, upskilling will help you become an electrification leader and give you access to exciting partnerships with other contractors, municipalities, utilities, or charging networks as the need for EV charging and reputable EV charger installers continues to grow.
Understanding the Importance of Electrician Education
Education and expertise are crucial for planning a successful installation project. Because Level 2 EV charging stations run on 240V circuits and DC Fast charging equipment draws as much as 1,000V, contractors undertaking these projects must be properly trained beyond standard electrician education requirements.
Installing EV charging stations will require a deeper understanding of the materials needed, in addition to specialized training on the correct installation techniques for these high-powered chargers to ensure safe, long-term use by your customers.
EV charging projects must also pass an inspection to ensure they meet the requirements outlined in Article 625 of the National Electric Code.
The NEC’s rules include installing a dedicated circuit for EV charging equipment with proper overcurrent protection. You should also install grounding poles, a safe de-energization system, and a disconnect.
Additional requirements include adhering to height guidelines for the charging station, installing a safe charging cable management system, and choosing a waterproof charging receptacle for outdoor installations.
But just reading Article 625 isn’t enough. You must also learn how to apply these best practices through a specialized training program.
Meeting Certification and Licensing Requirements
A general electrician education will give you an understanding of the important principles of installing EV charging equipment, but it’s not sufficient.
States receiving federal funding through the NEVI program must hire EV technicians with an EVITP certification to install, operate, or maintain charging stations. The California Public Utilities Commission has adopted the same requirement for the projects it funds.
These electrician education requirements have made the EVITP certification the gold standard for the EV industry. While it’s not a requirement for installing residential EV charging stations, it’s a highly recognizable certification that inspires trust and helps you stand out when advertising your services, in addition to ensuring the EV chargers you install will be safe and efficient for years to come.
Exploring Specialized EV Charger Installation Training
The EV charging industry is evolving rapidly and so are the safety requirements for installing this cutting-edge technology. Failure to invest in continuous learning now could make it difficult to catch up later and prevent you from accessing these exciting opportunities in the future.
The EVITP certification is one of the best ways to get started with your EV charging installation education. Developed by industry experts, this specialized learning program covers best practices for installing EV charging stations in residential, commercial, and public settings, and working with a reputable company to secure this training and additional education opportunities can make it easier to access certifications that can set you and your business apart from the competition.
Consider partnering with key industry players to further your training opportunities. For instance, certain charging networks offer their own certification program that will make you eligible for projects within their network, while other EVSE manufacturing companies require specialized training and certification to install their EV chargers. This can be applicable for both Level 2 EV charging stations, as well as DCFC or Level 3 EV charging stations.
Become a Certified Electrification Contractor With Qmerit
Electrification is creating opportunities for electrical contractors willing to upskill to meet the electrician education requirements needed to gain proficiency in new technologies. Due to the advanced quality and safety requirements for building the EV charging infrastructure combined with the growing body of regulations, updating your skills with professional certifications should be a priority.
Qmerit can help.
With rising demand and a growing market for experienced EV charger installers, it’s crucial for electricians to prepare for the energy transition by becoming skilled in EV charger installation. Qmerit can help.
As the largest network of certified EV charger installers in North America, Qmerit is the most trusted EV charger installation partner recommended by automakers, EV charger manufacturers, utilities, businesses, and homeowners alike. Our network of certified electricians has installed more EV chargers and other electrification technologies in the last decade than anyone else in the industry—more than 450,000 EV charging stations in homes and businesses across the U.S. and Canada!
With Qmerit’s Certified Solutions Partner Program, you’ll get access to in-depth training and continuous education programs. Besides helping you obtain your EVITP certification and other exclusive training opportunities through our auto manufacturer and EVSE partners, we’ll provide support in the form of business coaching and workforce development programs.
Partner with Qmerit today to learn how to get a head start on building your EV business for the future.
Learn more about our Electric Vehicle Charging Station Contractors Network and build your business with Qmerit!